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London Day Twelve- Another Free Day

Today was a day of shopping! Well the morning wasn't. I spent the morning sleeping, eating, and being online. I was woken up at one point by the fire alarm going off. I hope we weren't supposed to evacuate because I didn't, and the thing ended quickly. I rolled over and fell back to sleep. At about 1pm my day got started. I first headed off to Covent Garden. I love that place. I was on a mission to get some stuff at my favorite store, David and Goliath. Their stuff seriously cracks me up. They have so many cute phrases and jokes on their clothes. I bought two shirts. I can't get their stuff in Boise, so it is a story I have to go to when I'm here. Then I waited for the rest of the girls to catch up. Once they arrived, full of smiles, we wandered around and I showed them my favorite store. We then decided we had enough of Covent Garden. We briefly watched a street performer and an opera singer. We headed to the tube. I realized a trick to finding a good car; you go to the end farthest from the entrances. No one wants to walk that far so those cars don't fill quickly. It is perfect! When I leave on my own I always go there. I am out of the way and totally comfortable. So we grabbed one of the back cars and we went all the way to South Kensington. We asked a very kind lady at the bus stop for the directions to Harrods. She told us the bus route so we asked how to get there if we walked. She responded with, "your poor feet." We all laughed and looked at a tube station map and found that Knightsbridge would get us there. So we got back on the tube for one stop and made our way out to find a sign that said Harrods, 2 minutes with an arrow pointing us in the right direction. All I can say about Harrods is, WOW! This store was so impressive. They have a security guard at every exit. I was amazed. We walked through so many rooms with designer labels. We went over to see the Louis Vuitton Bags. We were curious of the price. They are so expensive they don't put the price on it. So we wandered around more, seeing even more gorgeous, and expensive items. Then there was the jewelry. To say I died and went to heaven would be an understatement. I love jewelry and these rooms were beyond amazing. I found my future engagement ring there. It was buy a designer named Beers. It was perfect and had a pink diamond! I seriously stood at it for at least 3 minutes saying I want it. Of course on this trip I wouldn't get it so I continued on in my exploration. Jessica and I continued to say wow and that we loved the store. We decided we could probably spend forever in there. Part of me feels like I want to be like in "Where the Heart Is", but instead of living in a Wal-mart I want to live in a Harrods. It is that amazing! After oohing and awing we decided it was time to find the cupcake place we came for. To find it we wandered through the Preserves and Nuts area. My mouth was seriously watering. Then we walked through a meat section. For many who know me they would think I would be grossed out, but instead meat actually looked appetizing. That was until I saw the raw stuff. Then it turned back into being gross. But then we made our way into the chocolate room. Willy Wonka has nothing on this place. Well at least his store has nothing on this place. The whole land were everything is edible might not be topped. But Harrods comes pretty close. Too bad they don't offer tries. That is where this place is lacking. But I was amazed all the same. Everywhere you turned there was something delicious staring at you. I wanted to get a box of chocolates and slices of cakes, but I already had a box of chocolates from Thortons. So I just stared in awe, wishing for a try. Then we saw the cupcake place at last! There in the case were beautiful looking specimens. Jessica and I were instantly drawn to the Oreo one. Then we looked and saw the flavor of the month one. It looked so good. It had a lemon and orange frosting and fruit in the actual cake. So we decided to buy that one and split it. Then we both got an Oreo one, which I am saving for tomorrow, and I got a mini carrot cake one. I couldn't resist, carrot cake is my favorite. We continued to wander around Harrods just wishing that we could seriously shop. Then we went up to the light section. Holy cow! I have never seen so many beautiful lamps. There was a crazy chandelier that was cascading down from the ceiling. It looked like a waterfall of crystals. Then we saw a lamp very much like the Artichoke one, but a little more tamed. I think we were to our hundredth wow by now. Then we continued on. You wouldn't think a department store would have a gift shop, well Harrods does. It is that impressive! We looked at the carpets which were amazing. We really liked this one that was the postage stamp and had the queen's face on it. I wouldn't mind having that in my house. We also got to see some great furniture. That was when we decided that we would have clients that would only shop here, so we could shop in Harrods. Unfortunately it was reaching the time to head to the flat. We went down the 4 escalators to the main level were we got lost. We were in perfumes and cosmetics. We hadn't seen those when we took our initial tour. I got sprayed with a lovely perfume and then headed for the tube station. When we finally reached the platform there was no way we would get on a train. Every car was packed, body to body. Luckily we were able to get on the second train. Then we headed back to the flat were we tried the flavor of the month cupcake. The frosting totally made it. It was glittery even! The cake was kind of like a muffin, but not as greasy so it wasn't too special. But the frosting, oh the frosting. It was like a zesty party in my mouth! It was really good. Jessica then went off to the grocery store where I joined up with Andrea, Laura, and Danielle. We walked the short distance to have fish and chips. It wasn't the best I've ever had, but it was pretty good. The best is in Canada, in Ontario. My family goes every year. So we ate this big portion where we all felt overly stuffed after. It was good and then we headed back to the flat. I got back put on some pjs and sat down to write my blog. Then Andrea came in and we got to chatting and I tried writing my blog, talking to her, and chatting with my dad all at once. So you can see why this blog has taken me 3 hours to write. I kept getting distracted, but I enjoyed every second. We had a good visit. Then Phil and Changmok came in and we just laughed and had a good time! Now I am off to bed. My morning wasn't productive, but I've had an active afternoon and evening. Today has been a really good day! Tomorrow I am off to Chatsworth House! It is going to be one long day.
Rice in Covent Garden, it looked amazing

A ice cream place in Covent Garden, they have breast milk icecream

My favorite store in Covent Garden

Flavor of the Month cupcake

Oreo cupcake

I thought my bruise needed to be captured

The result of my slip


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