After three free days, we returned to the early mornings. We got up at 5:45am so we could meet everyone at 7:15. We had a train to catch so we couldn't be late. We all got assembled, though half of us were still asleep, and walked to the tube. Where we waited for about twenty minutes for our subway train. We climbed on, though the cars were packed and took the tube to the train station. We had ten minutes before we would have to head to the platform, so I bolted to the nearest coffee place for a Mocha. I needed it. I was one of those people who was asleep. We then climbed onto the train. This one was nicer then all the others. The seats were more comfortable, and we had more leg room. I quickly got engrossed in my book. Two hours later we were in Chesterfield, where we met our bus driver. He was a very pleasant man. He was excited to tell us all about the area and this church that had a twisting spire. It looked like something out of Harry Potter. He also filled us in on the Duke and Duchess who live in Chatsworth House. Apparently the estate still owns towns people's homes and you can tell if they are owned by the estate by the door color. If it is a blue-green it isn't owned by the tenants. There were also sheep in all the rolling hills that we passed on the way to the house. It was so beautiful. If I ever live in England, I would live in the country. I love London, but I'm not a big city girl at heart. I loved it. The bus ride was really cold though, so while the view was great the actual bus wasn't so much. We pulled up the drive, and we were a little disappointed to see part of it under scaffolding. I was really excited! This was one of the houses used in the movie "Pride and Prejudice," with Kiera Knightley. Most of the exterior shots of Mr. Darcy's home was filmed here, as was the sculpture gallery. I couldn't wait to get in. We entered and instantly we said "wow." We entered into a large entry way with a gorgeous, large staircase. We moved thought to be impressed by Grinling Gibbon's carvings. It was truly impressive. There was so much detail that everything looked real. The birds, flowers, and lace that filled the walls. There was one design feature that I loved under a staircase. They used an old marble tub to hold plants. I thought it was a great way to recycle a wonderful piece. Also those same stairs had details under it. Normally you forget about that part, but even that was impressively carved. We continued on our tour. One thing that bugged me about this house, was the lack of light. It was very dark; most of the walls were wood, with old light fixtures that didn't illuminate much. Trying to get a good picture was kind of difficult. We came to one dark room that had barley twist columns and a very famous sculpture/statue. In "Pride and Prejudice" Elizabeth is on a tour of the sculpture gallery and you see the woman with the vial over her face, that was in this room. It was just as emotion provoking as in the movie. It is such a moving piece. I was lucky to see it in person. No matter where you went in this house you were impressed. There were amazing paintings, and amazing pottery in every room. There was so much to look at. In one room there were Charles Boulle cabinets and more Grinling Gibbons carvings. It was truly spectacular. In one room a large door was open so we could see another door. On that door there looked to be a violin, but it wasn't a real one you could pick up in play. It was well done trompe l'oeil, which is when something is painted on too look 3D. This one was wonderfully done and looked so real. Rachel, Leslie, Jessica, Benae, and I continued our tour through this house. We reached some amazing bedrooms. The sleigh beds were wonderful, with luxurious curtains hanging from the ceiling. On the walls was a silk wallpaper that was good looking. In one of the bedrooms the furniture had casters. It was cool how one of the chairs with casters had the arms have claws. Normally the claws would be on the feet but with wheels they added the feature onto the arms. I enjoyed that. There was also a lovely silk dress in the room. My favorite bedroom had a small sleigh bed in a nook with a curtain hanging from the ceiling coming down over the nook. It was so off balance that I really liked it. The curtain was rather mighty for the small bed. After finishing the upstairs we made our way down and into the painting gallery. There were many gorgeous oil paintings that I wish could be mine. There was this winter scene that I just loved. There was also a great scene that used mostly blues, oranges, reds, and yellows. The pallet strokes really made the piece. It added such texture. It was a little village, and it had a companion piece. They were amazing. This Duke and Duchess have a great collection. there was also a library and I wanted it. It was so inviting with the warm tones, and deep woods. The old books just added to the cozy aspect. I could have spent all day in that room. After this we made our way into the famous sculpture gallery. We looked at the same pieces that had been in the movie. It was kind of surreal to see them in person, after seeing them on the big screen. I guess it is how people feel after seeing a celebrity. There were these large lion ones and I loved them. I love animals and animal sculptures. They were truly amazing and truly large! We looked all over for the Mr. Darcy bust. We were getting frustrated cause we couldn't find it! So we asked one of the attendants and he informed us it was in the gift shop. So we eagerly headed in to get a photo with the handsome Mr. Darcy. Unfortunately he was high up so we couldn't get too close. But it was still cool! Then I bought a book that talked about certain pieces and showed the rooms of Chatsworth House. Everyone got a little something.
After visiting the gift shop we made our way out into the gardens. It was lunch time. I was so hungry. We wandered around to find the perfect place to eat. Before we found it we took a picture with the scaffolding because the most iconic scene in the movie was covered by it. You know the scene, where they are married and he is saying Mrs. Darcy and its the scene you see when they first show the house. Well they are renovating that section. So we took a pouting photo with it. Then we saw the fountain that is controlled by gravity. The falling water from the mountains pushes the water through the pipes and out. We wandered up and found the most picturesque place for lunch. It was in the rock gardens. There were towering rocks, a pond, a bridge, flowers, and much to my happiness ducks! After today everyone knows that I love ducks. There was a bench and we all settled down for our lunch. It was wonderful. As people say; location, location, location. After having our food we wandered to the flower garden that Darrin, Susie, and a few others said we had to see. We went and the flowers were beautiful! The colors were so pretty and photographed so well. Then we spent about 20 minutes trying to get to the center of this maze. We finally did and inside it was a tree, and when you looked up through the branches there was a great texture for a pattern. It made for some great photos. By this time it was raining yet again. My hair was soaked by the end of our exploration. We continued to wander through the gardens. They were really pretty. Probably some of my favorite gardens yet. It was really serene and that is why I liked them. I love places that seem like you could go hide for hours and read a good book. We unfortunately had to head back to where the bus would pick us up. As we walked back I got some great photos of ducks! They make me smile. We headed back to the bus, where I asked the bus driver if the symbol of the Duke was a snake, because we saw it everywhere! Unfortunately he didn't know, but said it was very possible. The big group then made a mad dash to get set up for a group photo. It was crazy but fun! I hope the photos turn out, because in all of the group photos so far I look HORRIBLE! It was a good time. Though I probably don't look good, because I'm wearing my Utah State sweatshirt that is like two sizes too big. I look like the sweatshirt has swallowed me. It is really comfortable though. Oh well. Then we got back on the bus and headed back to the train station. I was able to get a good picture of the twisting spire and then waited 40 minutes for our train. I really just wanted it to be there so I could sit down and relax. I was able to just that when I got two seats all to myself. I had two hours of reading bliss. I seriously have finished one book already on these train rides. I'm about to finish my second one. I enjoy the me time. Then we came back here were we kind of crashed. I wen to my room and started blogging and catching up with what my friends back home had done so far today. I am completely tired. Seems I'm always tired; I'm okay with it though because I am having a great experience and getting good exercise. Tomorrow will be even better! I'm off to see the Queen.... Well maybe not her, but I will be at Windsor Palace!
model of the house, there is the porch of the iconic scene! |
The view. It was crazy beautiful! |
Sugar Twist columns |
tub with plants |
These are from Holland and they are tulip vases |
The amazing statue in the movie! It is so moving |
Grinling Gibbons birds |
Grinling Gibbons' Lace Cravat |
This was the coolest mirror I've ever seen |
The bed with the huge curtain |
I look so frumpy, but the lion is cool! |
MR. DARCY!!!!! |
wow... |
Where we ate lunch. So gorgeous |
me on the bridge... |
the flowers were amazing |
Me and the flowers |
Duck! |
Twisting Spire. So cool! (and sorry for all the pictures) |
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