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London Day Nine- Bath

Today was really good. I loved visiting Bath again! It is pretty much exactly how I remember, except no painted animal statues. We arrived in Bath to start our short trek to the Roman Baths. I didn't get to do this last year so it was something exciting and new to visit. I have to say though I wasn't completely impressed. I mean it was cool to imagine what it looked like in its glory days and to hear what the people of Bath believed, but compared to the Greek baths not all that exciting. There was a waterfall with steaming hot water that was pretty dang cool! Where the water flowed there was orange sulfur ruminates that grew. It caste the coolest glow on the water and ceiling.  I was really impressed with how beautiful that was. I also enjoyed the rooms with the mosaics because for me they held the most artistic aspect of the baths. I then made my way to the main pool that is now green from algae, because it is no longer covered like it was back in the day. The surface was rather rocky and unfortunately an elderly woman completely fell. I was really worried for her and if she didn't have her family members helping out I would have rushed over to see if I could do anything. I was really worried she broke her hip or something cause she hit hard. She had a rather large gash on the side of her face and after ten minutes her entire cheek started to bruise. I continued to wander around finding cool things, like where the water flowed into the pool, while also keeping an eye on the elderly lady. I really wanted to make sure she was alright. The medical staff bandaged her up and I thought it was really sweet that her husband offered to pay them. She then left with her husband for a taxi. I felt terrible for her. I do hope she is alright. They need more signs. They say at the beginning of the tour to watch your step but the main pool is at the end of the tour and there should be another reminder or a sign that says "mind the step" right where that step she tripped on was. The have those signs everywhere else. Why not there? But I quickly finished my tour and walked back to the Tower Abbey where we were supposed to meet at one for the fashion museum.We all had a quick bite and listened to the street performers as we waited for Susie and Darrin. It was a nice way to spend a lunch.
    After lunch we all headed to the Fashion Museum. I went last year and knew it was going to be a great experience. Last year they had an exhibit about Princess Diana's clothes. It was really cool this year they had a wedding dress exhibit! It was really cool to see all the wedding dresses and how they evolved over time. It was original a dress to be white but like a ball grown and slowly it morphed into something all of its own. The outfits in the rooms were truly amazing. I enjoyed it last year and joined it again this year. Some of the clothes were the same but there were new things as well. This is one of those museums that you just have to go back to every year because they always have new stuff! That was my favorite part out of the two tours we did. Then we were on our own. I joined up with Leslie, Benae, Rachel, and Jessica. We started walking toward the Jane Austen Museum so the girls could see it. It is a rather cool place. You learn about her life and what her time in Bath might have been like. There is also a great gift shop with all things Jane Austen. Just visiting it made me want to watch all the movies. After visiting the museum we headed out to explore. We wanted to see what was in Bath. There were tons of street performers, who were really fun to listen to. It put you in a happy mood. It felt, at least to me, like I really was traveling! We stopped in one store where Jessica and Benae bought stuff and then we wandered through some stores. Some were really expensive. We then sat down to sketch. I sketched a lamp post that really caught my attention while the other girls sketched a church window. It was calming and relaxing until a group of young boys decided to play tag in the nook we were in. They were loud and chased each other back and fourth. It just showed that no matter where you go kids will be kids. I really enjoyed Bath and it might be one of my favorite cities in England. I haven't been to ever city so I don't actually know. I just enjoyed it last year and this year.
     The girls and I made our way to the train station where the train was completely packed. None of us could sit next to each other, though we did sit near each other. The train thinned out as we got closer and closer to London. Then the stop right before London the train comes to a complete stand still. There was a signalling probably in the maiden head so trains were backed up for a really long time. It took us an extra hour to get back to our flat. We had fun though. We talked and had some girl time. When we did finally get back we sat down to have dinner and blog. It was a good time and the atmosphere was great. It really was a day of bonding and getting to know each other a little better. We then headed to our rooms were we crashed. It was three busy days and we all needed some sleep. I know I did, because Day 10 would be the Harry Potter castle!
Tower Abbey

The entrance

duck and what the bath looks like today

coin tub

What the bath looked like when it was built


The orange color was so strong

One of my favorite wedding dresses

I loved the back of this dress!

I loved this dress

Queen Victoria's dress, I couldn't resist


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