Another early morning, though not as early as yesterday or what tomorrow will be. I got up at 6:45am much to my bodies dislike. I don't think I was functioning until a half hour later. I decided since it was the day we would be visiting Windsor I would dress up. So I put on my cute new dress and did my hair. Then I walked downstairs to join the group. We walked to the tube like every morning, and hopped on the tube, which was on time today, and rushed off to Paddington Station where we got on a train. The train ride was much too short. I wanted a longer time to read. We got off in Slough and caught the next train, which was like a ten minute ride. Once at Windsor we walked the very short distance to Windsor Castle. This Castle has been inhabited by royals for almost 900 years, and it is the largest inhabited castle in the world! The outside was really impressive. We waited for fifteen minutes before the ticketing opened. Then we got to go in. If the Queen was there the rooms would be closed, but she won't be there until next week. So then we got a tour of the outside, which was full of interesting history. We found out what it originally looked like. When the Normans invaded they built it. It wasn't originally stone either, they built it out of wood. What they originally built was a mound so it was higher up then built a squat little building on it. It was later enlarged and made out of stone so it would be even harder to invade. From the outside I was in complete awe. It was a legit castle and looked amazing. Normally we hear palace or castle in the name and then arrive to a very large manor house, so I enjoyed that this looked like a castle. We then watched the changing of the guard. It was cool. A band came in and that was the only place you saw a girl, and even they were covered up to not look like a woman. Then there were orders and people moving to be perfect. Elyse and I had a group of elementary kids in front of us, and they were cute. Then the changing happened and the band started to play music. It wasn't state music like I thought it would be. They were songs that were popular. It was very strange. After about twenty minutes of enjoying the music and the changing Elyse and I headed in to take a tour. We first went into the Cathedral that was amazing. The fan vaulted ceiling was amazing. There were the shields where the fan vaults met. It was amazing. There was also this one piece of art that was thought provoking. It had two angels and one had a baby in its arms. Then there was a draped woman and her hand dangled out from underneath the stone sheet. Then there were three mourners on the side. Apparently it was about a queen from the past who died giving birth to a still born baby. But the piece gave hope because the angels were taking the baby up to heaven. Apparently if this baby would have lived Queen Victoria would not have been Queen. Which as sad as it may sound I'm kind of happy, because as I have said this many times, Queen Victoria is my favorite monarch. But it is interesting how history could have been altered so easily. We continued to marvel at the intricacy of the carvings in both stone and wood as we moved throughout the chapel. It was also cool, though morbid, to see all the tombs for monarchs. The Queen Mother is buried there along with Henry the 8th. There are others too, I just can't remember. We then made our way to Mary's Dollhouse exhibit. It was so cool! I love miniatures; I go to a miniature show every year. It was super intense. The beds were so detailed and probably looked just like the human scale ones. If someone got a picture of just the room they would think it was real, you wouldn't know it was a doll house. I was super impressed by the design details that were in this one inch scale model. We then continued on in our tour to see the actual castle. I have to admit, while gorgeous I didn't find it as amazing as Buckingham Palace. The rooms were very nice though, and not over done in any manner. I enjoyed seeing the Klismos inspired chair. The Klismos was originally made and used by the Greeks and later the legs were used again in other chairs. There were also amazing paintings lining the walls. We could see Charles Boulle work in many spots. All the carvings in the castle were done by Grinling Gibbons. The coolest room was this long hall with all the Garter Shields. The Garter is an order for knights that was established way back when. It is still in existence. The room kept the original wood, with no stain coloring. It looked amazing and one the ceilings and walls a thousand or so shields hung. I seriously walked with my head looking up the entire time! There were so many and they all were different or had a slight difference. It was also interesting to see like 20 shields be covered and white. It was because these knights were kicked out of the Order of the Garter for some type of shame or wrong doing. the reason the shields remain up there and covered is so they know shame and are disgraced. It was quite impressive. We then got to see the actual armor that belonged to King Henry the 8th! The tour seemed to go really fast, maybe it was that I was exhausted or it was short. I enjoyed what I saw though. The Queen actually considers Windsor her home and Buckingham her office. We took a quick break to take photos outside and see the amazing view, well except for the smoke stacks. But it was impressive none the less. Then we got back on the train and headed back to town. Elyse and I had a late lunch/early dinner and then I got a hour and a half nap! It was great. I really enjoyed hanging out with Elyse and getting to know her. She loves Britney Spears and was singing it, it was really entertaining. Then after my nap Elyse and I headed to Covent Garden to go get gelato. It was amazing! I had Hazel Nut, Dark Chocolate (70% coco, and very rich), and White Chocolate. It was amazing. I seriously was in heaven. We went to the Icecreamists, this is the place that has breast milk ice cream, but they don't have it right now. It was so good! I enjoyed our time. Then we headed back here where I have been sitting on my bed, blogging. So I've been blogging for about one and a half hours. I have been doing other things too, but mainly this. Now I am off to bed because I have to get up at 5:30 tomorrow for Haddon Hall, and Hardwick Hall! It will be another full day of adventure!
How crazy is that? |
Through the gates to Windsor Castle |
Closer shot |
From the top of the Lower Bailey |
The mound that was first built. Where you see that dark line in the middle of the building is how tall it used to be. One of the Monarchs added on |
I thought this little peak to the outside was cool |
Crown detail on the side of the Chapel |
Changing of the guard |
the band |
Me and the Queen entrances to the left of me. |
Me and the tower! |
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