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Ireland day 2 (Day 18)

At the first castle the view was so amazing
Woke up at 7:00am after a rather uncomfortable night of tossing and turning. I got up and got ready for the day. Lets just say I didn't try really hard to look good. I already knew it would be a windy and rainy day, so why put so much effort into it. Plus I really wanted to get to breakfast before everything was taken. It was so good; the best meal I've had since being here. Plus I got a hot shower last night! So nice, I can't wait for my shower tonight. After a wonderful breakfast were I got: hashbrowns, fruit, muffin, and a potato bread thing, we went off to our rooms to finish getting ready for the day. We all met in the lobby at 5 minutes to 9. Then we got on the swanky bus with Ray as our tour guide. He was so much fun! He was funny, and had the best voice. Unfortunately his voice was so soothing that I fell asleep for ten minutes. He knew so much. I was wishing I brought my notebook so I could take notes on the information. It was all so interesting that I really wanted to remember it all. He brushed on some of the items Maria talked about yesterday. We quickly left Belfast to head out on our journey! I made sure to sit on the side where I'd get the view of the ocean. We drove through town and by this ice rink, where Ray told us about the Hockey team. I love hockey and so I really paid attention. Apparently this hockey team is really good and won their division and their equivalent to the Stanley Cup. It was so cool! I wished I could have taken a tour of the rink and met them! We continued on our journey to head out of Belfast. We drove around the bay and headed toward a castle, Carrickfergus Castle. It was so windy but sooooo beautiful. I loved every minute of the stop. We took tons of pictures just trying to remember the moment. Then we all got up in the bus and Ray continued our tour. Our second stop was a place with a beautiful view. There were rocks and wind and water. I wouldn't expect anything less in Ireland. We took a group shot while we were there. Most of us didn’t even care if we were cold because the view was crazy amazing. We climbed back on the bus to be enriched by facts of Ireland and about his other tours he has done. Apparently we were really lucky because we had clear views. The group Ray had the week before couldn't see anything. We saw a ton of cute animals and different animals we hadn't seen. Like a specific kind of cow that looks really shaggy and more like a miniature buffalo. There was so much information I unfortunately couldn't absorb it all, that and I forgot the sketchbook I took notes in. We passed a golf course or two and I took pictures of them for my dad. We also saw quaint bridges, and and cute old towns. There was another castle we saw up on the hills. While we were driving we also saw these cave entrances were people supposedly live in. Our next stop on the tour was the rope bridge. It goes from one side of a cliff over to a small island. I was terrified. Although I was terrified I knew it was a once in a life time experience. So even after hearing Ray's warning about being afraid of heights, I still went. It was quite the hike to the bridge. Up and down and stairs. While it wasn't fun I knew it was a good work out. Then we came to the bridge. It was so windy my fear got heightened. We climbed down this small staircase. I slowly inched my way onto the board that made it so you didn't slip through the ropes. Of course the wind was blowing like crazy, causing the bridge to blow like crazy. I’m sure my grip was white with how hard I held on to the rope railing. I have never been so happy to be on land as I was when I set foot to the other side. I did a little jig even. Me being scared was so worth it! The view was amazing. You could see a little part of Scotland from where we were. It was beautiful. The water crashing into the side of the Island and the other side. There were caves in the side of the bluff. I was in awe of how beautiful it was. I took some pictures and then made my way to cross again. My fear hit again. Everything was really calm and there was hardly any wind until my foot hit the board. Then there was a huge gust of wind and the bridge was tugging to the right. I continued on though and then Caitlin got on and started rocking it more. I was so scared. But I got over it! I made it to the other side and climbed my way to the top of the stairs. I looked back and felt a surge of self empowerment. I was really proud of myself. I then started the trek back to the bus. Along the way I met a woman who's granddaughter went to Utah State. Small world huh? She was interested to know where we had gone and what we were studying. I talked to her for about 10 minutes before we said our goodbyes. I love bumping into those from the U.S. while traveling. As I continued I started walking with Phil. I pointed out to him this one island close to where the bus was parked with what looked like a house on it. So we started talking about if it did have something on it or not. We kept looking and it looked like there were two people on it. I still don't know if what I saw was really a house and people or not, but I’m pretty sure it was. Then we continued on our way to the Bushmills Distellery. They make the best Whiskey, Guinness, and Baileys. A lot of people went in and ate, but I packed my food so Leslie and I ate outside. We enjoyed our meal and went inside to look at the shop and wait for everyone in the warmth of the building. Then we rested on these pew like seats and people snoozed. After everyone was done eating we headed back out to the bus were we all got on and continued our journey. We stopped at one part of the street that looked over the most iconic picture taken of Ireland. It is the very famous beach that many take photos of. We also took photos of the smallest church in Ireland. It fits exactly four people. So if you want to elope there is a place to do it; you don't have room for anyone but yourselves. We also saw the ruins of another castle. It was truly a beautiful sight! We just loaded onto the bus and started our short drive to Giant's Causeway. I was so exhausted at this point that I wasn't thrilled to make one more stop. I was super irritated. But it was so worth it. It was another hike to get down to the site but once you were there your breath was taken away by the site. It was amazing, and crazy to think a volcano made it. It was really impressive. Everyone was climbing and trying to get pictures. I certainly tried. It was also frustrating because you would be ready for a picture and a person would walk by. But once I let go of that I had a really good time. I took pictures and had some of me taken. It was a fun time. There were all different colors in the rocks and we went to the back side and it was so cool. It looked like columns had been melded together to form one wall. As soon as we were about to leave it started to rain. The rain felt so good against my skin as I climbed the hill to get to the bus. I was sad to leave as the coast was so beautiful. As soon as we got on the bus everyone fell asleep. It took me a while to get comfortable but once I was I was out. I didn't wake up until we got to the outskirts of Belfast. I was also really sad to see Ray go. He was a good tour guide and a fun bus driver. I walked tiredly to my room where Andrea and I decided to finish watching, “She's the Man,” which my parents phone call the day before interrupted. Elyse came in and watched the end with me. We laughed and laughed. I never get sick of that movie. Then Elyse, Madi, Stacie, and I decided to go out for dinner. We wanted to go to a pub but that was completely booked so we then headed to Victoria Square. This was at 9pm so most places were closing. We found Chaquito's and sat down for some Mexican. It was pretty good, not legit Mexican food but we had a good time. We laughed and discussed the day. I don't remember everything we talked about, but I do know we had a great time and that our dinner was good. After our food Madi and Stacie went off to find chocolate and Elyse and I headed back to the hotel where we crashed. I went straight to bed. It was one exhausting but exciting day. I enjoyed experiencing a different part of Ireland. Last year I was about 20 minutes from Kilkenny and in the country so different area. I loved both sides of Ireland and I have put it on my list of favorite places. I can't wait to go back! It was beautiful and everyone should go there. The next day would be our last day in Ireland...

Just so you know there are a TON of pictures in this blog.... Enjoy!
King William the Orange and me

Carrickfergus Castle

The view

cute bridge in a small town

isn't it gorgeous

I had to get a picture with this view

amazing iron work

It is so lush and green

Golf course just for my dad

another picture

so cute

The rope bridge I crossed

There it is

the rest of the group making their way down the stairs

one of the caves

again needed a picture with the view

Giants Causeway

Leslie got this amazing picture while I waited for it to clear up a little.

most of our group climbing the rocks

The back side

My dinner

This light was so cool!


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