I got up at 7:30 so I could make the 9:30 meeting time. The weather outside was absolutely gorgeous. It was London saying good bye to us. We walked to Kensington Palace, I didn't know it was so close. Everyone was hanging out around the park and it was like a true London park. I loved the atmosphere. The palace was under a lot of construction though. So the outside wasn't that nice. Then we walked up to the door. The actual house was really pretty. We entered and I was a little surprised. There was a large tree in the main lobby. It was kind of weird. It wasn't like any of the other palaces I’ve been too. It also kept mentioning the 7 princesses and their secrets. I was really confused on what we would be doing. We got a map and then a pencil to write down the hidden names and then we needed to ask the people about the princesses. It seemed really hokey. I wanted a legit palace feel. We continued on and there were Periwinkle walls and I was just plain confused. It just seemed really stupid. But then I found a name and went to someone who worked there and asked. I really enjoyed learning more. As soon as I did that I became really interested and into it. I thought this was a really interactive way of learning. All the rooms were set up in different styles to represent that princess. One room was of Princess Charlotte. It was the room with the stairs. She was the princess who's father decided there should only be royals in the family. So he arranged a marriage for his daughter. She wasn't happy and ran away. She fell in love with a poor prince and later married him. So to symbolize this they had a dress running down the stairs and rose petals everywhere. It was all very cool. I loved the part about Queen Victoria. It was about when she was young. It was really really interesting. I love learning anything about her and so I really enjoyed learning what the attendant had to say. I was actually standing in her room! That was really cool. I probably stayed too long. I know I was the last one back to the group. I was just enjoying it too much. Plus Andrea and I got sucked into this conversation with one attendant. We couldn't figure out how to get out of the conversation. Luckily Laura and Danielle rescued us. We rushed off to head back to our group. I didn't even get to get a guide book. We were shocked to find that no one was waiting for us. Instead they were surrounding this gate staring at this helicopter. It had landed while we were in the house and it was waiting for someone. We were all hoping it was Prince William and Duchess Catherine. Unfortunately it wasn't. We don't really know who it was. There was a blonde lady and a brunette that kind of looked like Kate's mother. But the helicopter was pretty cool. It had a shield on it with a crown over it, so we knew it was official. We all enjoyed taking pictures of it. Then we were off on our next adventure. We went to the Tube station and got on one train, but that didn't take us to where we wanted to go. So we tried a different train but that was under construction. So we had to take another train, but then we got even more screwed up so we took another one and so on and so forth. Instead of “exploring London” we explored underground London. We were all cranky and tired by the time we got off the tube station. We then had to walk to get to where we were headed, which Darrin and Susie wouldn't reveal to us. We walked along the river and saw smoke rising from the skyline. Then we saw that a building was on fire. You could see the flames from where we were standing. I felt really bad for those who lived there or who owned the building. After looking for a moment we arrived at our destination. We arrived at London's National Theater. They had an exhibit dedicated to pattern, and since one of our assignments is to make patterns they thought it would be the perfect place to get inspired. It was cool to walk around and see them because some of them were patterns we had seen on everyday products. I know I recognized some of them. Plus the colors were really spectacular. The patterns were great examples on how to use color and how to place things. I really appreciated them finding the exhibit and taking us there. It allowed for me to get some ideas.
After going through the exhibit we were on our own. I broke off with Laura, Danielle, and Andrea. We decided to go sit on the fake lawn and eat lunch in the sun. It was too beautiful a day to waste. After lunch we stayed in the sun briefly and looked again at the fire. This time we could see water hitting the flames. After lunch we headed off to Hummingbird Bakery. Everyone wanted to try it so a group of us left for it. After a short tube ride we walked to the shop that is adorably decorated. It is pink and brown with pink and brown glass tiles. The workers all have aprons with an abstracted humming bird. It was adorable. I got a Black Bottom cupcake and a chocolate chocolate cupcake. After everyone bought their cupcakes we talked about what we wanted to do. I was so hot I had to go to Starbucks. So Laura, Andrea, Danielle, and I said goodbye to Jessica and Leslie and headed in to get something to help cool us off. I don't remember what I got but it really hit the spot. I needed it and it was gone in like five seconds. I then had to get somethings completed before we left London. My first priority was to get something for my Grammy. So I was off on my own. I knew exactly where I wanted to go, the Buckingham Palace gift shop. Her family comes from England originally so I really wanted to pick her up something in England. I got off at Green Park and walked through the very pretty park that struck me as Michigan. I then crossed the busy street and there was the Palace. It was just as I remembered. I snapped a few pictures and then continued on around Buckingham to the gift shop. I walked in and instantly saw Will and Kate postcards. I couldn't resist; I had to buy some. I’m slightly obsessed with them. I just think they are so cute and perfect for each other. I picked out the ones I wanted and then went to find a mug for my Grandma. I found the perfect one. It was elegant and yellow with Buckingham outlined in gold. I swooped it up and then watched a little of the wedding that was playing on the TV. After my favorite part I walked to the counter and bought my souvenirs. As I walked back to the tube I started to feel the pain of all the walking we had done. My shins hurt slightly along with my feet. But I knew I would be back to the flat shortly.
When I got back to the flat I did three loads of laundry so I wouldn't have to do any of it in Paris where it is more expensive. I also packed all my stuff and kept out only what I needed for that night and the next morning. I had the place to myself and it was really relaxing to clean and pack. I also ate my cupcakes for dinner as I didn't have much food left at the flat. After packing and waiting for my laundry to be done I blogged, I really needed to catch up. Unfortunately I’m still behind, but working on it. Once all my laundry was done, I was exhausted. So I took a shower and then I went to bed. Sleeping felt so good. The next day we would head to Paris!
The helicopter |
There it goes! |
The Kensington Gardens |
The first of the patterns I really liked |
I loved the colors and textures |
I loved this one... I loved the pale background and the brighter colors against it. |
I loved the bird |
This was a wide sample of the patterns. I really liked how you can see them all and get an idea of them all |
This is the pattern I recognized. |
Black and white... I loved the patterns with birds |
Black Bottom. it was way good |
In front of Buckingham |
The Iconic Soldier |
A statue I liked in front of Buckingham |
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