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Flight Back to the States

So I didn't get to bed until like 1:30 am because I was double checking my luggage and getting my last minutes of internet in before I'd be without it for two weeks. I then set my alarm for 3:30am so I could say goodbye to Jessica, and give her back her laptop adapter. I also said goodbye to Andrea. It was kind of sad to see us all off. We had become close over these 5 weeks and so to be split up was strange. I mean I think we were all ready for our time alone but it was still weird. Then I crawled back into my bed where my alarm would later wake me up at 7:00am. I really didn't want to get up when it came time. I was so tired and could have slept for so many more hours. I crawled out of bed anyway and got ready for the day, as did Elyse. We then headed down to breakfast were I had a glazed donut for Benae. I also had canned pears which I like more than fresh pears. After breakfast we checked our room one more time and made our way to the lobby so we could meet the shuttle that would take us to the airport. We dropped Phil off first and again we got that separation feeling. The driver then took us to terminal one where we all went our separate ways. I found it difficult to find the Continental Airlines desks but after walking to all the desks I found it. The way they do airport check in is different. They have people there ready and waiting to ask you questions like, has anyone given you something to carry for them? Do you have any liquids in your carry on? Just the security questions that they ask you over the loud speaker all the time. It was a good way to do things though. Then I got up there and checked in. I went through security which was a breeze and walked to my gate. There I found out my flight was delayed by an hour. I wasn't too worried because I had a 3.5 hour layover in Newark. We then boarded once the plane arrived. Though we were running even more behind then already thought. I was in the aisle seat with a couple sitting next to me. One was sick and told me she was so she would need to get up and down. I wasn't thrilled but what can I do? Plus the aisle seat you get totally gypped because you don't get that much leg room or space to put your stuff. Both of my carry-ons had to go in the over head and two rows ahead of me. Airplanes seriously need to reconsider how they do their seats and the space they give. I understand they want to make money but seriously be kind to the customer. The flight seemed shorter then the flight to Europe that is for sure. Though the entire flight I had some big fat dude sitting in my lap. As soon as he could he reclined his seat not even considering that he might be in my personal bubble or that he might hit me in the head. Which he did once. I never put my seat back because I know that the person already has limited space, and I don't want to invade it anymore then I already am. I did get to watch two movies though. I watched The Adjustment Bureau, and Beastly. Both were in my list of movies I wanted to watch so I’m glad I checked them off my list. Both were good. I was surprised Beastly was good, but while predictable it was entertaining. I also watched “Pawn Queens,” the tv show and that was pretty good. Unfortunately at one point the plane had to land in Maine so it could refuel. Apparently they didn't think wind could be a factor in flying and so we were almost out of fuel. I was starting to freak out on if I would make my connection or not. After forty minutes in Maine we were off again. We landed in Newark an hour later and I was one of the first to pop up because my connection was shrunken down to 1.5 hours. Now that may seem like a lot but I had to go through customs, get my bag, recheck my bag, and go through security, and find my gate. That takes some time. So I was up and then I stood there. Everyone was being polite and letting people in front of them. I normally would do that too, except I don't think they realized people in the back of the plane needed to get off. There was a group of teens who were a little too pushy. They yelled at us to move so they could make their plane in twenty minutes. Its like you are not making that flight if it is in twenty minutes. One lady told them exactly that. So then we all got off the plane and made our way to the customs desk. I had two of the sheets because it said if you had more items to claim then could fit on one fill out another. The guy at the desk told me I couldn't do that but I showed him on the form and so he wrote on the other miscellaneous. He then checked it and off I went. I unfortunately had to wait another twenty minutes for my luggage. It took a while and I got my bag and hurried on to the next check point. I gave my sheet to the man and made my way to where we would drop off our bags. I asked where my gate was and they put A26. I then went off to security where my jam, that I thought was in my suitcase, was taken. It was weird that they caught it but Spain didn't or didn't care. After that I had twenty minutes to make it to my gate. Surprisingly after security you have another checkpoint where you give them your passport and they check it and ask you where you were. I answered and went through and hurried to my gate. Once there I found out I was at the wrong gate and they told me where to go. Luckily it wasn't too far and once there I found out my flight was delayed. Normally that wouldn't be a relief but in my case it was. I was happy to know that I wouldn't have to rush on to the plane. I wandered briefly and then waited for an hour until our plane go there. I got on the plane and sat in my seat, where I didn't have to sit next to anyone. I read my magazine and listened to Eminem. I was so excited to get to Michigan and my family. But the girl across the aisle was reading over my shoulder. So annoying. I got off the plane and hurried to get out to the luggage claim. I then saw my mom and hugged her for the five weeks I couldn’t. We then met my dad and grandma. Gave my dad a hug when he got out of the car and then climbed in and gave my grandma a pat. Then off we went to get to Canada, where my grandma's cottage is. We arrived and I was so happy to be there. I had a great time on study abroad but it was so good to be back to something familiar. 


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