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Paris day 28- Patterns and Sacre Cour

Today we were supposed to go to Versailles. We all got up expecting to leave at 9:00 for Versailles. But after breakfast Darrin and Susie announced that we would change our days and go tomorrow because of the rain. We would be spending a lot of time in the garden and if we were to go in the rain it would be miserable. To be honest I was glad it was canceled. I was exhausted and really wanted a more relaxing day. Instead we would spend the morning working on pattern design. Then at 1pm we were going to get together in the breakfast room and look at the designs and critique them. Most of us went off to our rooms to try and get started on our ideas. We had to come up with three patterns one for each country we had visited. My favorite pattern idea was my Ireland one. London was surprisingly hard to get started on. It was that I couldn't get it down as a drawing. I did eventually figure it out. It was a really calming way to spend the morning and I really enjoyed it. It was nice to take a break from everything and just sit and work on my homework. We went down at one and started to share all our patterns. A lot of people didn't really talk or having much to say. I think it was because we weren't sure what the teachers wanted so we made Darrin and Susie critique and tell us if they could be developed into a pattern of some sort. We worked on them until like 2 and then we headed up to get ready for our afternoon adventure since the rain had cleared up.
      At about 2pm our group headed for Sacre cour. It is a cathedral at the very top of a hill. You can see it in almost every picture. But before we went to the Sacre cour we got off at a metro stop in not the best part of town. We wanted to make a stop at Moulin Rouge. There were a ton of tourists. During the day this part of the city didn’t look so bad. But it was cool all the same. The red windmill on top of the building. Made me want to watch the movie. Then we started our walk to the top of the hill. And was it a walk. It wasn't the coolest day in Paris. With the rain the air was more humid, which made it that much worse. We continued up the hill and saw an area of artists and restaurants. They were all trying to paint people portraits. Then we headed down the stairs, and there was art on the wall along the stairs. Then we headed up another flight of stairs. We were slightly confused, but continued on. And we didn't regret it. As soon as we reached the top we got the sight of a life time. There it was, the highest point in Paris. The view was amazing. We couldn't stop taking pictures. Then they decided to go inside. Some of us didn't want to pay for it so we went to find the cemetery. Unfortunately it was closed. Phil, Lee, Laura, and I decided to go wander the little shops and look at the art. Then Laura got cornered by this guy who wanted to draw her. He said he was inspired by her eyes and that she was beautiful. She tried to say no to the portrait but she is a kind person and couldn't. But I didn't want her to be by herself so I walked with her and unfortunately got suckered into one. This lady was came over and started drawing me. I was like crap, seriously? I try and do a good deed and end up having to pay 10 euros. I felt obligated to do so. And the kicker was the pictures didn't even look like us. We laughed about it. Then we walked around some more and saw the legit artist. Lee got a characterize, it looked so cool! Then I went with Phil and Lee back to the hotel so I could blog. As I was blogging I looked at msn to see the news. Being in another country makes you a little out of the loop. As I looked I found out the troubles weren't over in Ireland. The Loyalists had sent off some fire bombs and did some riot like activity. Sad that it can't seem to end. We were just there and they were doing so well. Plus it was kind of scary that that could be happening so close to the time we were there. I mean we could have been there during it. That would have been so scary! Who knows what could have happened.
Moulin Rouge

Entrance and the windmill

Some of the art on the stairs

More artwork

She was one of my favorite pieces.

The view!

Sacre Cour

More of the view

Up close


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