Today it wasn't raining. But it was still an early morning, earlier then the morning we were supposed to go. We headed to the second metro station, not the one that is closest to the hotel. We got on and rode it to the very end. It was really boring. We were pretty tired so we all just sat quietly. We stopped and continued walking. Since this was going to be an all day trip, Darrin and Susie encouraged us to bring our lunches. When we got to the front gates of Versailles, Laura realized she left, Andrea's, Danielle's, and her lunch on the train. She even told herself, “you can not forget this bag.” They were not happy. But it quickly blew over and we were all busy taking pictures while Susie and Darrin went to get the tickets. Everything was gold! Talk about over spending on a HUNTING LODGE! That is what Versailles was originally built for. Crazy. Dani kept taking pictures of us. She would just say “Versailles” and then take a picture. It was another bonding moment. Susie and Darrin came over and gave us our tickets. We decided we would go to the gardens first. The fountains weren't on but it was still beautiful. It was early and gloomy. I liked the weather. We continued walking and took a couple of group photos. It's no wonder people think Versailles is one of the most beautiful places. We walked to the Petit Trenon. It wasn't open yet so we sat down for a sketching session. Unfortunately I wasn't really in the mood to sketch. I tried drawing the building but quickly got bored. I moved on to the gate. That I got into. After I finished sketching I went and sat with Andrea and Madi. We decided it was time for some food. Andrea, though losing her sandwich, still had her orange. I ate some left over cookies and an orange. Pretty pathetic, but I didn't get to the sandwich shop that morning. It was really peaceful. Just the three of us. There was a mass of kids who got into line. We were rather worried that we would be stuck behind them. They got about a 15 minute head start. We then got into line and started touring the Petit Trenon. It was very airy and I liked it. It was very much Louis the 16th design. I like that time period the best out of the Louis. A lot of their style was heavy, gold, and dark. Louis the 16th was lighter, straight legs, and to me more inviting. There was one room, it was a bedroom and I loved it. It had a floral pattern and that was pinkish. It had a canopy that normally would seem over the top, except for the fabric choice made it seem lighter and more feminine. There was also a room that was pretty innovative for the time. It had the walls that would slide up and cover the windows protecting Marie Antoinette. It was like a panic room but ten times nicer. It had silk fabric on the white straight legged chairs. And instead of the molding on the walls being gold like in many chateaus it was white on a pale green or blue. It looked really nice. I wouldn't mind being stuck in there for a few hours if something came up. After going through the Petit Trianon, we took a group picture on some of the stairs. Then we were off on a walk around the gardens. There was so much that I hadn't seen the last time I was there. Last time I was there I just saw the main palace and the closest gardens. There was a gazebo on the fancy scale in the middle of the pathways. So we took another group photo, or two. After the group photo we continued on our walk. We slowly came up to Marie Antoinette's little village. I was really excited about that. After Darrin showed it to us in history it was one of the things I really wanted to see. Marie Antoinette was raised in the country and to try and make her happy, Louis the 16th had this built for her. It was her get away. The palace wasn't her ideal living place. It was really cute! I wanted to live there! It looked like the houses from “Snow White.” Maybe that is where Disney got his inspiration? It was a town full of cottages. We all took pictures. I know Danielle and I loved it! We took a sketching break. It was really calming. We were sitting on a bridge and a little stream with fish in it. The only non calm part was that there was a group of school kids sitting there with us. They eventually left and I was really enjoying my sketch time. It was relaxing and just sucks you in. we occasionally had parents and school kids looking at our sketches. Kind of makes you proud. After another 20 minutes or so sketch time ended and we continued on. Unfortunately Danielle and Andrea got left behind. We decided to continue on. We went to the little theater that Marie Antoinette would put on little plays. It was small but beautiful. It would have been amazing living here and having all this at your finger tips. It was more ornate then what we had seen so far. There was a lot more detail and gold. There were boxes and cherubs. It was quite amazing. I was still worried on where Andrea and Danielle were. And there were some negative remarks going on if they could find us. I kept saying, there are only two places we could be, the main house or the Grand Trianon. It wouldn't be hard. Jessica and I went through the Grand Trianon together. It was also really nice and full of Louis the 16th design. We were in love with it. We spent a lot of time there enjoying the look of the place. We were talking about our history class and trying to apply our knowledge to the building and the design. We were almost left behind because we took a little longer then the others to look around. And as we started heading to the gardens to head back to the main palace, who did we see? Andrea and Danielle. It was bathroom break time. Danielle, Andrea, and I were hungry and there was a potato stand. So we decided to get some food. It was sooo good. They put some weird combos on it but I got a chicken salad type thing on it. The potato was really hot so the cool topping helped make it less hot. We scarfed them down so quickly. They were really good. The walk was beautiful too. The trees lining the dirt walk and coming over us. As we headed up we saw the Palace in another light. It was now 2 or 3 and the sun was shinning. We walked to the front and joined the line to get in to the actual building. Laura, Danielle, Andrea and I stuck together for our tour. We got a free audio guide so we could hear about the history and the reason for certain choices. We saw the sun king on the doors. Louis the 14th was pretty much all about him. But it does allow you to know when things were made and what era items were. It's a marker. Some of the walls had a velvet wallpaper and it stuck out a little. It added depth. There was also paintings on almost all of the ceilings. I was really excited to see the hall of mirrors. It was under construction when I was there last. It was just as amazing as people say. There were rows and rows of chandlers, and shinning gold. The mirrors reflected the light and made the beauty even more. But holy cow was it crowded. It was so crowded, people were everywhere. There was even a bride and groom trying to get pictures. She was beautiful! Then Laura, Andrea, Danielle, and I tried so hard to get pictures without other people. We were slightly successful. It took us a very long time but we had some success. It was a great day. I was tired, but it was great. Most of the group left without us but Darrin, Susie, Benae, and Jessica waited for us. As we were walking out a group of key chain sellers and they all wanted our business. Laura was on the case. She got two free key chains from one person, and Darrin was amazed. Laura went and got one for me. It took her awhile to convince the guy but the Giggle Smile won out and she got me a pink Eiffel Tower! She is amazing! It is a talent I swear. Then we headed back to the hotel after we took one last look at the modern sculpture in front of the old Chateau.
The next day would be our last day in Paris.
Me in front of the Versailles Gates |
The back of Versailles |
Fountain in the gardens, most of them have to do with the gods |
Another beautiful gold fountain |
Petit Trianon |
The bed I mentioned above. It is so cute! I would love having this bed! |
This is the panic room. The mirror that is all the way up to the ceiling is cover a window. |
The little "Snow White" village |
Andrea did my hair! Who know it would be perfect for today? |
So quaint and adorable! |
I seriously want one. Isn't this place adorable. |
I sketched this building. |
This is the mini theater |
Louis XVI style chairs. I loved the light fabrics. |
one of the rooms in the Grand Trianon |
I loved this purple chair! It was so vivid, unfortunately the picture doesn't show it as well. |
Hall of Mirrors. Beautiful! |
Me in the Hall of Mirrors |
The large modern statue looking out to the street. |
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