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Paris day 26- Eiffel Tower, second free day

Today I got up kind of early so I could meet Susie and Benae for the Catacombs. Phil, Darrin, Susie, Benae, Elyse, and I wanted to see the Catacombs so we walked to the metro station and wen to the Catacombs to find out it was closed on Mondays. We all laughed and were like well what to do today? Darrin went off on his own, and Susie and Benae headed for the Paris Opera house. Phil, Elyse, and I decided to go back to the hotel and maybe later we would go to the Zaha Hadid exhibit. I really needed to work on blogs so once I was back I went and got my laptop and worked down in the lobby. It was the only place I could get internet. It was so hot down there though. I was sweating so bad. I was behind though so I stuck it through and did two blogs. I was still behind but at least I got some of them done. I talked to Elyse and we decided we didn’t want to go to Zaha today. So I went up stairs and took a nap. It was much needed.
      That evening Elyse and I wen to the Eiffel Tower. It was about 9:30 and we wanted to see the sunset. At that time it was beautiful. We got in line and took a picture of the bust of Mr. Eiffel the man who designed this building. It was only supposed to be up for awhile because a lot of people thought it was plain ugly. Then when WWII broke out it was used as a radio tower and so instead of being torn down it got to live on. I think most people who thought it was ugly are glad it got to stay. It is a big tourist attraction. We were in line and we kept reading that the top was closed. We were like, are you serious? We can't go up to the very top? We were really worried and then once we got to the front of the line the top was opened! And so we got to go to the top. Plus because I am younger than 24 I got a discount! Discounts are the best! We took the first elevator up to the second level and then had the hardest time finding the line for the next elevator. They really need to invest in some signage. But we finally found the line and ended up next to a woman with her husband and daughter. The daughter wanted to go to the top but was terrified of heights. She was freaking out in the elevator. I felt bad but I totally knew what she was going through. I let her know that you are all wrapped in up top. That there is no chance of anything. I let her know that there is a wall and glass at one level and then the one right up from it is with diamonded wire. She was a little relieved after that. We looked around and enjoyed the sunset. We also enjoyed the night as it came. It was wonderful and so so so pretty. We took a TON of pictures. I probably almost filled my memory card with all the pictures I took. But it was wonderful. After about three hours we decided it was time to head back to the hotel. On the elevator down we met some girls from the states who were studying abroad. Their trip was a lot longer then ours and they were a lot more busy. They had classes they had to go to and they had traveled so many places. And they didn't get that many free days. I was really liking how our program was done after talking to them. But it was nice to talk to someone who was also traveling around. On our way back to the hotel we were followed. It was close to midnight and so I guess the creeps were out. I was really scared. My heart was racing and you know that feeling you get when your stomach jumps to your throat? That was what was going on. I really didn't enjoy the feeling that Paris had been giving off. It changed a ton since I was there last. It was really creepy. We were able to lose them at the basketball courts and as we walked down our street we bumped into some of our girls. We saw Laura, Andrea, Danielle, and Madi. They were all done up and going to a club with Lee. As soon as we got back to the hotel I and a few others started freaking out about their safety. This city isn't a safe environment, especially for us girls. Guys here don't get it when you say no. Plus Phil had heard a ton of stories of bad things happening. Of people getting huge bills and having to fight their way out of the club or a taxi. I later found out Andrea had to kiss Lee to get some pimp to go away on the subway! I was stressed worrying for two hours. I finally worried myself to sleep.
me at night on the Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower

The view

View of the river

Arch de Triumph from the Eiffel Tower

On the way back from the failed catacombs attempt


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