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London Day One

One of the Lions from Trafalgar Square

I am completely exhausted and I don't know how coherent this post will be. My original flight was cancelled and I had to be rerouted through San Fransisco. Which gave me many headaches and lots of stress. but on the bright side I was able to get on a flight that was a positive; I also got to visit my aunt for an hour or two and that was super nice! Then took the ten hour flight to London. I got three hours of sleep. I would have gotten more, but I was sitting by this older lady and her husband and she got me up so her husband could go to the bathroom. She was constantly watching my tv and my kindle. She also had a soft voice and could hardly speak English so I had to tell the flight attendant what she needed.
          I arrived in London and started my world wind adventure! We were busy right from the get go; we got on the tube and went off to our flat. The walk seemed to take forever with the suitcases, but was actually quite short. I'm rooming with Danielle Davis and so far it has been a great time. The flats we are staying in have a lot of character. They even have dental molding detail in the main lobby. Our room is interesting. We have bunk beds and a bathroom. there is crown molding, since this building is really old. We have a small space but not too bad for two people. :) We also couldn't get a hot shower. It'll be just fine for 18 days though. We took a quick tour of London. We saw parliament, Big Ben, Tower of London, and much more. I love how you can look down the street and see different styles of town homes all smashed together. It gives this town such character! We all took tons of pictures! And I have fallen in love with statues. Particularly the lions in Trafalgar Square! They are huge and regal. We also went grocery shopping; where we all got drenched walking to the store. It was a sudden torrential down pour. So sopping wet we went shopping. The locals probably thought we were crazy. We all broke into groups to look for what we wanted. It was a jolly good time! While wondering around looking for this and that I heard the different words for the same things. Like a shopping cart is a trolley here, also chips are crisps. I can't wait to find out more things! While this day has seemed to go on forever, it was a great one! This journey of excitement is just beginning! Tomorrow off to Hampton Court!
The different characters of buildings so close together

Big Ben from Trafalgar Square

Boat in a Bottle at Trafalgar Square

Tower of London

View from my flat


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