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London Day Five- Burghley House

Me in front of the Burghley House

What a fabulous day! It started off with us getting up at 6:15am, because we had to meet the group at 7:30 to catch our train to Burghley House. Once Danielle and I pulled ourselves out of bed we got ready for the day. I actually straightened my hair, which would later be a waste of time. We then headed down were we got our British Rail passes. We hurried on to the subway and caught an hour or so train to Peterborough. Then we caught a coach (bus) to the actual house. It was soooo beautiful! From the outside it looked like a fortress. I was very much in awe. We then met up with our tour guide, Rob. He was so full of knowledge and so much fun! we started off in the kitchen, unfortunately they didn't allow photos. It was so amazing. I want a kitchen just like it. It had plaster missing in some spots but that just added character. The ceilings were like a Gothic castle. There were huge stoves and this spit was going over the fire. The windows were large and also church like. It was a dream kitchen. Then we moved on. The stairs were even detailed over head there were carved flowers and little frames around them. No matter where you looked you were going to see some carving, marquetry, or painting. They certainly knew how to do it up right. There was a room that was dedicated to marquetry; it was on all the tables, cabinets, and dressers. There was also Grinling Gibbons carvings! I learned about them in history and to see them in person is so different. I know I keep saying that, but I can't get over it! It is so intricate and life like. you have no choice but to be amazed. We also went to the chapel, and there was a secret door. I don't know if I was the first to spot it, but the guide was impressed how quickly I commented on it. :) But the best part was yet to come! We soon filled into the room that they filmed the dinner scene in "Pride and Prejudice"!!!! You know the scene where she goes with Mr. and Mrs. Collins and, surprise! Mr. Darcy is there. Yeah, I got to see where it was filmed! But that isn't all! I also got to see two beds that Queen Victoria got to sleep in! I don't know if I said this before, but she is my favorite monarch. No matter what room I was in I was saying "Wow," or "Look at that." It was truly a design treasure troth. There was so much detail it was hard to take it all in. I bought the book with all the pictures though, so I can always treasure the experience and look back to see all the detail! After the lovely tour of the house Leslie and I took exterior shots. We tried to find interesting aspects or interesting shots. We also took pictures of things that wouldn't stop speaking to us unless we took a permanent memory. It was misting and by then my hair was back to being wavy. We then joined the group to explore the gardens. They were ten times more interesting then those at Hampton Court. They have interactive features that were entertaining for the little kids and for us. With the weather we quickly tired and wanted to just be on the comfortable bus. Soon we were off to Stamford, the town that was right there. We were going to wander for 2 hours, but because of the bank holiday most places were closed. We quickily changed our meeting time to 3pm. While in this little town we saw the spot where in "Pride and Prejudice" the militia arrive through town. That was great! I love that movie so to see where things were filmed was exciting.
    At 3pm we all sat on the coach, were after an hour the last two showed up. They hadn't heard about the time change. We set off for the train station. Everyone was completely pooped. We all relaxed our heads. Many though were unfortunate enough to fall asleep. I say unfortunate enough because Darrin was lurking to get sleeping photos. I was lucky enough to stay up and read the entire time. I really enjoyed the train ride. Shockingly trains are the only in motion thing that I don't get sick on. I can read and sleep on them. If I try to do that in a car I get sick. I also get sick on boats, and airplanes. It is kind of crazy that these trains are the only thing I don't get motion sickness. All in all it was a great day. It was a day full of excitement, where I could barely contain myself, typical English weather, and great company. Tomorrow will be a day full of new excitements! Tomorrow on to Oxford, where I am determined to get a sweatshirt!
Burghley House Main Entrance

Wall, Roses, Burghley House


Spider web with rain drops

Gate through the fountain

I thought the weave looked cool

Burghley House Gardens

A cute pub, Half Timber Tudor style


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