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London Day Four- Free Day

Today was our very first free day! Most of us spent it relaxing. I know I slept in. I got up at about ten and had a bowl of their Honey Nut Cheerios, not too different from the American version. The only difference is here they are skinnier. Then I sat down and finished my blog from last night and posted it. I then took a shower, because last night I was too exhausted. So I got ready for the day. At about twelve thirty I decided to head back to the V&A to finish seeing it. I walked the short walk, admiring where I was on the way. I entered and quickly found my way to the jewelry area to pick up where I left off. I was still in love with this museum. I saw fancy jeweled swords and broaches and some really cool coat buttons. I also saw little mini portraits. It is truly amazing how much detail the painters got in on that small of a painting. It was extraordinary. Then I moved on to the American section. I recognized a ton. There was an Alvar Aalto Paimio chair. It brought a smile to my face to recognize a chair and know who designed it. There was also one of his stools! I continued to walk around recognizing a few more pieces. There was a lamp I recognized as well. What was quite surprised to see a stereo I'm pretty sure my dad owns. It made me laugh right out loud. I continued on to many exhibits, unfortunately they started to run together. Though I do remember the theater exhibit. That one was great! There were some great costumes! The one of Scar for Lion King was quite impressive. I also loved this black sparkly one that had a spiky collar. It had great movement to it. There were also these impressive head pieces. One I swear could have been on Sailor Moon, if it were to ever be turned into a play. They were so intricate and large that it was a wonder how these women keep them on their head. After the theater exhibit I moved on down a long row of lovely statues, and a thought hit me. Everyone is looking at the art and not the building. The building is just as much art as the stuff in it. The columns are intricate with gold and paint. The ceilings even more beautiful. I don't think just because I'm a design student I should be noticing it; I think everyone should be seeing it. The building was a beautiful representation of Queen Victoria's time. I paused for a moment in that hallway and just looked around at the walls and ceiling. I vowed to take notice of the room from then on. I then made my journey to the British section. As soon as I walked in my senses were assaulted with all I had learned in my history class. There was marquetry, ormolu mounts, and chinoiserie. Again a smile flooded onto my face. I knew what I was looking at. I didn't even have to look at the didactic. I saw a Cromwell chair, the bed that fits 12, a trumpet leg, a barley twist leg, and caning. I wanted to shout to everyone, "I KNOW WHAT IT IS! I can tell you all about it!" of course I didn't, we were in a museum after all. It was such a new experience to know what I was looking at. I knew when things were Rococo and when they weren't. It made the museum ten times more exciting. I think I also appreciated it more because I knew. I walked through some more exhibits till I was museumed out. This was the first time I have gone to a museum and understood what I was seeing. I have always enjoyed them, but this was a totally new experience. It reinforced my knowledge and I loved that.
       I made the walk back to the flat and joined some of the girls while they sketched. I had a quick dinner and we chatted for a few hours laughing and having a good time. It was nice to relax and get to know each other a little better then we did before. I had classes with them but this was really the first time I've hung out with them. This trip is already broadening my horizons. After we ate, sketched, and talked we went our separate ways to our rooms. Many went for a walk were I decided to write to some friends and post my pictures on facebook. I briefly talked to my brother and dad, which was nice. As much as I love being here, I do miss them and wish they were here with me. It has been another good day in London, oh it was actually sunny today!
Alvar Aalto Chair

Cromwell Chair

Marquetry detail in an armoire

Chinoiserie Bed

Rococo Chest

Museum Detail, that column is a work of art

Scar "Lion King" costume

Perfect for Sailor Moon, I swear


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