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Unbelievable Week

When I title this Unbelievable Week,  I don't mean that in a positive light. This week hasn't been a good one for America. We had a tragedy on Monday, as we all know. Boston experienced two bombs at the Boston Marathon. It is horrific that we have been faced with a tragedy yet again. I don't mean 9/11 when I say again. I mean Sandy Hook. After this bombing, on Wednesday, we had Senators block an amendment to a gun control bill. This amendment meant to extend background checks, and make them a requirement for all gun sales. This was a measure 90% of Americans wanted. After that, Wednesday night, we had the fertilizer plan explode in West, Texas. This isn't where the week ends though. Today, being Thursday, we had flooding in Illinois. Now, breaking news there is something developing in Watertown, Massachusetts... Explosions and gunshots have been reported. I don't know what is going on. This is probably one of the most shocking weeks for me. It seems to be happening all one after another.

I feel like this past year and a half has been pretty full of drastic terrible events (one positive, Obama being re-elected). When will things be normal, or is this the new normal? Are we to expect shootings, bombings, crazy weather all the time? I don't have an answer, and I guess time will only tell if this is the new normal. I certainly don't want to be the new normal. I certainly want to feel safe when I go out or when I sit in my dorm room. I also don't know how much more surprise and pulling of my heart-strings I can take. My heart goes out to everyone who has been dealing with these tragedies directly. But that takes a toll on me. I feel horrible for them and I can't imagine what they are all going though. I wonder though, at what point do I become desensitized? I know when there are shootings I often don't blink twice, because I feel like it is so common, but obviously when 6 year olds are attacked and terrorized, because I do believe that is an act of terror, I feel heartbroken. That shook me. But when does that become common as well? I hope never. I hope we can rise up and say no, that this isn't the world, the country we want to live in.

Hopefully things will calm down after this week; that we won't have event after event after event. I want some good news. I want something good to happen, I want gun reform, I want our citizens protected as much as possible. I said originally this blog would be about my passions, and one of my passions is gun reform, so that is why I have been mentioning that in this post. Because one of the things I find absolutely unbelievable is that 54 Senators would strike down comprehensive gun reform that wouldn't trample the 2nd Amendment, but would make our country safer.

I'm sorry to rant, but I must get my feelings out, and writing this has helped me organize my thoughts, just a little bit anyways. I still have a lot of confusion and disbelief but this helps just a little. I don't know if it helps you or if you think my views are ridiculous, but I needed an outlet. Hopefully next time I write it will be something positive... I have some stuff I'd love to write about, but it seems a little weird to mention when such things are going on this week. I keep all those touched by the tragedies in my mind and send them love and strength.

From Idaho With Love, Molly.


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