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Love of Sports

My mom tells me that I'm odd. It is true. I am that nerdy girl who is obsessed with sports. I am by no means athletic. I played soccer until 7th grade, but it wasn't super competitive. I also played basketball, but I didn't like the competitive nature of try-outs so I automatically chose JV over trying out for Varsity. I was there to have fun. The weird thing, or the thing that makes me odd, is I passionately watch sports I have never played, and have no desire in playing. The first sport, college football. I have my team and I never miss a game. I walk to the nearest restaurant with DirectTV so I can watch a game. I am also that crazy girl who yells and calls out players. If they aren't playing well I'll call them on it. Sure they can't hear me, but I still do it. I also follow the BCS and see where my team sits and I follow the games. I love it. Before I went away to school, I went to all the home games. I cheered and got dirty looks from others who thought I was too loud. Sorry just showing my love. I will always love college football, and my Saturdays in the fall will always be dedicated to it.

The second sport is hockey. This love didn't start as soon as football. I fell in love with football in the 5th grade. Hockey came in high school. My brother and father always followed the Red Wings, and watched the games. I just wasn't interested. Then one year my brother and dad were in Michigan during the playoffs, and it was my job to record the games, so if they missed them I could fill them in. I watched the playoffs and hockey for the first time that year. I fell in love with the high intensity, fast paced, high contact game. I love the fights and how sudden it can happen. Same with the goals; half the time you miss them and have to watch the replay. Even after watching the replay, my mind is still blown, and I have to ask myself, how the hell did they get the puck in? It is a thrilling, and sometimes frustrating. Luckily, the season is long and so it offers many chances to catch a game. If I don't watch a game, I try to listen to it on the radio. It is an obsession ad I enjoy talking about it and catching a game with friends.

Along with the team sports, I also enjoy Golf. I know very slow paced in comparison to what has been said.There is just something relaxing to the pace. Maybe it is the announcers voice that makes it relaxing. I enjoy the views of the golf courses and how its really easy to follow. Plus there is a little bit of excitement, usually comes with the put. The joy of watching the ball go in, or wrap around and around then shoot down the green. It has a bit of unpredictability. I mean one minute a player making shots, then they start to go down hill. It allows for so much drama. I just really enjoy the game.

The biggest surprise in my sports obsession is the X Games. I love the X Games. Sure it started as a junior high crush on Shaun White that made me watch but now it is certainly something more. I love watching Slopestyle, Big Air, and of course Super Pipe. The majority events I watch are snowboarding events, but I know the competitors I enjoy watching even when Shaun isn't competing. I can point out who the athletes are and who they often perform. I know the tricks, I can point out if they did it well or not. I love the sport and block out my weekend for the X Games every single year, twice a year. Along with the winter X Games I enjoy the summer ones. The summer ones are less about skateboarding, though Skateboard Vert is definitely on the list. I also love Rally Car. I watch it every year with my dad. While the Summer X Games don't hit as high on my must watch as the Winter X Games it still gets my attention, whether Shaun is competing or not. This year he isn't as 2014 is an Olympic year and he wants to be ready. I love the excitement and the nervousness. I get so nervous every time someone gets ready for their run. When they go up to throw their trick my stomach does flips and I hold my breath hoping they won't crash and burn. But I love it. I love the excitement and how when an athlete nails a run they fist pump at the end and then they wait for their scores. In 2010 I got to experience that excitement in person. My dad took me to the Vancouver Olympics and I got to see Shaun White win an Olympic Gold Medal! It was thrilling and I enjoyed every second. I don't skateboard, ski, snowboard, or ride motorcycles or snowmobiles. But I love extreme sports and the crazy stuff these athletes pull. It continues to blow my mind.

Maybe after reading this you don't think it is odd that a girl is obsessed with sports. Maybe you do. Most of my friends get a kick out of my love of sports. Because when I love something, I don't shut up about it. I have always felt like an oddity. In high school many people looked shocked when I spewed out different facts or statistics. I like it though. I'm proud to be a girl with the love of all sorts of sports, except baseball and basketball. I enjoy the shocked look on people faces when i can say I watch this or that. Just the other day my neighbor found out I was watching hockey with my dad, he was shocked that I watched and loved hockey. Maybe I'm not that odd, but if I am, it won't be changing any time soon.

From Idaho With Love, Molly


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